Best Personal Injury Lawyer Lakewood Ranch
Proving Your Slip and Fall Claim in Court
The world is a tumultuous place these days and accidents and injuries can occur almost anywhere! When you’ve been hurt or injured in any type of incident, and it was a result of another party’s negligence, it can often fall into the field of personal injury law. Personal injury is one of the most widely encompassing fields in all of the legal world, and includes a wide variety of different, negligence-based incidents. One of the most common here in Sarasota and in personal injury law overall is a slip and fall accident. According to Mr. Charles Spinner, who many consider to be the Best Slip And Fall Lawyer Lakewood Ranch has in practice, when you've been hurt in a slip and fall accident, it's vital that you know the laws that may apply to your case - as you may be entitled to compensatory damages due to the other party’s negligence. But just like any other form of type of personal injury case, Sarasota personal injury lawyer Charles Spinner and his team will have to defend you in court and prove those damages. In this article, we will be going over the basics of proving your slip and fall claim in court.
Florida Slip and Fall LawsIn the state of Florida, the statutes for slip and fall claims fall under the Revised Statutes 768.0755. According to Mr. Charles Spinner, considered to be the Best Personal Injury Lawyer Lakewood Ranch has in practice, the law says that in order for a victim to win a slip and fall lawsuit, the victim must prove that the business or owner of the property where the slip and fall occurred, failed to maintain the safety of the property or remedy a dangerous situation - despite having a knowledge of its existence. This is important to understand and it can be difficult without the best of someone like Mr. Spinner, the best injury lawyer Sarasota has to offer. According to Florida slip and fall laws, plaintiffs have the ability to recover compensatory damages for a range of both economic and non-economic damages - including medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages and more.
The Burden of ProofAs with any other type of personal injury claim, there is a lot to prove in a slip and fall claim. The fact is that when you need Injury Help Lakewood Ranch victims need to turn to an experienced personal injury attorney like Mr. Charles Spinner, considered the Best Injury Lawyer Lakewood Ranch has in practice. Under Florida’s slip and fall laws, proving a slip and fall claim in court can be quite complex. However, to simplify the process, we have created a series of steps and areas that need to be proved.
What to ProveAccording to Mr. Spinner, the best slip and fall lawyer Sarasota has in practice, in order to win a slip and fall claim you must prove the following.
- You Slipped and Fell - This is essential, and outlines that an incident occurred and you slipped and fell on some type of a substance.
- Fall Occurred on the Defendant's Property - Oftentimes, your attorney will help by pulling camera footage, and witness corroboration, as well as a police/accident report from when the accident occurred.
- A Hazard Existed - Once you prove that you actually fell, you must then prove that the situation was a hazard and outline that danger.
- Ownership’s Knowledge - Show that the owner of the property had a constructive knowledge of the actual hazard and its existence.
- Prove the Owner’s Inaction - You must then prove that the property owner had the ability to remedy the situation and prevent the hazard, but failed to act.
According to Mr. Spinner, the best injury attorney Sarasota has in practice, Florida’s law outlines that there many different ways to prove the property owner knew about a hazard or dangerous condition existing. Firstly, you assert that the dangerous conditions existed long enough that the property owner should have found it and taken action. Another common proof comes into play when the incident has occurred before and this will show that the owner should have known it was possible to happen again. And finally, you can show that the property owner was aware of the hazardous conditions and had enough time to fix it.
Spinner Law Firm
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- 7241 Delainey Court, Sarasota, FL 34240
- 941-269-1111
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