Fees and Costs
We believe in transparency
At Spinner Law Firm, we put our clients’ needs first, and we pride ourselves on transparency and trust with our clients. Unlike many firms, we publish the cost of our professional services on our website so you know exactly what the price will be when you hire us to represent you.PERSONAL INJURY CASES
Fees At Spinner Law Firm, we represent individuals and their families in serious personal injury cases such as motor vehicle collisions, boat accidents, premises liability (slip and fall), ride share accidents (Uber, Lyft), medical malpractice, or nursing home negligence. When you hire us to represent you in a personal injury case, you do so on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay us nothing out of pocket, and we only earn a fee once we resolve your case. The amount of our fee is based on 33.3% of the gross recovery. In cases that require litigation (lawsuit), our fee can increase to 40% of the gross recovery depending on the stage of litigation.Costs During the course of your personal injury case, we will incur costs associated with moving the case forward. Typical costs include investigative charges, copy charges for medical records, court filing fees, retention of experts where necessary, deposition and trial related expenses. Throughout your case, we try to keep your costs as low as possible and only as reasonably necessary to successfully advance your case. Once your case is resolved, our firm’s out of pocket costs will be reimbursed directly from your settlement. We will never ask you, the client, for payment of our out of pocket costs and we are only reimbursed if we are successful in your case. In the interest of transparency, a detailed ledger of costs can be requested at any time during your case.
Setting up an estate plan for your family can be one of the most important things you do to protect your assets and control who inherits your estate when you pass. At Spinner Law Firm, the process of setting up an estate plan is straight forward and more affordable than you might think. The first step is to arrange a free, no obligation, attorney consult to go over your estate planning goals and objections. We will prepare an estate plan proposal geared towards meeting your goals and quote you a flat legal fee for our services to prepare the associated estate documents. Our flat fee is inclusive of all services and includes telephone calls, emails, and a final, in person, attorney appointment to review and formally execute your will(s) and other estate documents. Fees An example of our current fee schedule for basic estate planning services is as follows:Simple Will package is $375.00 per person. This package generally includes:- a will*
- a durable power of attorney*
- a living will and healthcare surrogate form*
Each estate plan is unique and there may be other documents necessary depending on your situation, such as an enhanced life estate deed or a preneed guardian affidavit for minor children. Any additional charges in your estate plan will be quoted up front, before you hire us.
Basic Revocable Living Trust package is $2,000 regardless of whether the trust is for an individual or a joint revocable trust. This package generally includes:
- a trust agreement*
- a certificate of trust*
- a “pourover” will*
- a durable power of attorney*
- a living will with healthcare surrogate form*
*Each estate plan is unique and there may be other revocable living trust documents necessary depending on your situation. Any additional charges in your revocable living trust package will be quoted up front, before you hire us.
Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your estate planning needs.
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