What Comes in a Will Package?

Spinner Law Firm aims to keep the estate planning process simple and concise. The best way to accomplish that is by charging a flat fee ($375.00) and including all the necessary documents in a package format. The most common package we offer is the “simple will” package.
Here’s what you can expect in the package:
Simple WillThe simple will is the most common type of will and is the backbone of an estate planning package. The purpose of a will is to provide your family and friends a blueprint of sorts for how you want to have your estate/assets administered upon your death, who will receive your assets as beneficiaries, and who is going to be in charge of making sure your wishes are fulfilled. The will also provides information about your burial/cremation wishes, guardians for minor children, and other useful information.
Durable Power of AttorneyAnother important document in the will package is the durable power of attorney. This document creates an agency with a trustworthy person who can act on your behalf. The term “durable” means the agency is created as soon as you sign it, but this document really comes in handy if you become incapacitated.
Combination Living Will and Healthcare SurrogateThis document serves two purposes: (1) it identifies what circumstances need to occur for the living will to kick in and for life sustaining medical treatment to end, and (2) it appoints a medical surrogate to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated. This is another important document because incapacity can come on suddenly, and if you don’t have this document in place, it can be very difficult for someone else to help make decisions for you.
Other DocumentsThe three documents discussed above are the staples of a will package. There are other documents that may be necessary depending on your particular circumstance.
One such document is an enhanced life estate deed. This document is sometimes referred to as a “lady bird” deed, and is a method of transferring title to one or more people upon your death. There are several strategic reasons to execute one of these deeds, and we can discuss them in details during our consultation.
Another potential document is a preneed guardian affidavit for minor children. Parents of minor children need to execute one of these documents to ensure the proper people are given the ability to take on immediate guardianship duties for children in the event of your passing or incapacity.
If you want to discuss your situation specifically, we offer a free consultation. We will help determine which documents are right for you. Again, all of these documents come in the package and that will not change the cost of the package. This allows you the confidence of knowing unnecessary documents won’t be added just to boost the price of our services.
Feel free to call us or message us on our website/social to schedule your free consultation today.
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